Radio patio aqui no hay quien viva
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En 2006, Telecinco, rival de Antena 3, adquirió una participación del 15% en Miramón Mendi, la empresa que produce la serie. El contrato de Miramón con Antena 3 expiró en junio de 2006 y no fue renovado, con lo que la serie llegó a su fin, ya que los contratos de los actores les vinculan a la productora y no a la cadena. Miramón Mendi creó entonces una nueva serie para Telecinco con la mayoría de los mismos actores y una ambientación similar, pero con personajes y argumento totalmente nuevos. La que se avecina se estrenó el 22 de abril de 2007. En 2021, la plataforma estadounidense Netflix anunció su incorporación a su página web[1].
La sede de Radiopatio, como llaman a su “agencia de cotilleos”, es el hogar de tres ancianas apodadas las Supernenas (The Powerpuff Girls), las tres mellizas (The Triplets) y las brujas de Eastwick (The Witches of Eastwick), entre otras. Sus aficiones comunes son el cotilleo, el bingo y el robo en tiendas.
Lucía aquí no hay quien viva
In one of Marisa and Vicenta’s most memorable sequences, they both try to travel to the Fiji Islands with plane tickets that Bea and Ana (or as they call them, “the lesbis”) are not going to use. After a stewardess informs them that they cannot use tickets in another name, the sisters remember that they also have the passports of the couple played by Eva Isanta and Vanesa Romero. Although they try to hide their true identity with such elaborate methods as sunglasses, another stewardess notices and reproaches them that they are not the women in the document. Marisa, with her usual wit, gives an agile answer that (almost) sneaks through.
Aqui no hay quien viva chapters summary
She is the daughter of a rich builder and arrives at the building to live with her boyfriend Roberto, she is used to brand clothes and expensive things. She finally breaks up with Roberto and decides to quit her job to try to do things by herself. She tries to open a restaurant, decides to give up her father’s money, has a relationship with Carlos, then starts dating Yago, a Cuban hippie ecologist. Finally, she decides to turn her life around by going to work with an NGO in Somalia.
Vicenta’s older sister, she was abandoned by her husband, Manolo, spends her days smoking and has a very youthful spirit. She loves to know everything that happens in the community. In real life, actress Mariví Bilbao, after the death of her husband, wanted something that would give her energy to keep going and accepted the role.
Primary school teacher and president of the community. He is a peaceful man. His wife Paloma dominates him, he begins a relationship with Isabel after Paloma’s accident, he had a mental derangement because of the permission of the community to carry out the reform in their house. For a while, Isabel, José Miguel, Natalia and Yago lived with him. The actor had been working in a comedy trio called Entre tres, performing on television.
Radio patio de marujas
Belén and Emilio were the couple par excellence of the Antena 3 series. Of all their crazy plots, we are left with the chapter in which Belén and Emilio decide to record a porn movie to try to pay off their debts. The problem comes when, without realizing it, they put the VHS in a tape from the video store. The rest of the episode is up to par, especially in that plot that gives the episode its name. The City Council places a bench on the sidewalk in front of the gate. Initially the neighbors complain, until they realize it’s a perfect opportunity to get together, gossip and fantasize about each other’s lives. Radio Patio’s favorite sport, wow.