Hacienda la escultura cordoba
Hacienda la escultura cordoba 2022
como hacer una iglesia de cartón #2 ( cardboard church) muy
Como fundación del sector público, el Teatro Real está plenamente comprometido con la transparencia. Todas las cuentas económicas de la Fundación del Teatro Real están disponibles en la página web de la Intervención General de la Administración del Estado.
CONSEJEROSLuis Abril PérezJosé Antonio Álvarez Álvarez José María Álvarez-Pallete López Ignacio Astarloa Huarte- Mendicoa Adolfo Autric Amarillo de Sancho José Bogas Gálvez Antonio Brufau Niubó Demetrio Carceller Arce Rodrigo Echenique Gordillo Isidro Fainé Casas Javier Gomá Lanzón María José Gualda Romero Francisco Ivorra Miralles Andrea Levy Soler Jaime Montalvo Correa Eduardo Navarro de Carvalho Enrique Ossorio Crespo Florentino Pérez Rodríguez Rafael Pardo Avellaneda Ignacio Rodulfo Hazen Jerónimo Saavedra Acevedo Elena Salgado Méndez Jaime Miguel de los Santos González Mario Vargas Llosa
La organización tiene como objetivo promover la participación en la sociedad civil y velar por el buen funcionamiento de la Fundación, y se reúne dos veces al año. Pueden participar en la reunión los directores u otros miembros de la alta dirección de las empresas que son Asociadas, Patrocinadoras o Patronas.
historic sanctuary of machu picchu
National Academy of Fine Arts (2000) National Artistic Patrimony: Inventory of Movable Goods. Volume V: Church and Convent of San Frtancisco de Córdoba. Córdoba, National Academy of Fine Arts.
National Academy of Fine Arts (2006) Patrimonio Artístico Nacional: Inventario de Bienes Muebles. Volume VIII: Church and Monastery of Santa Catalina de Siena de Córdoba. Córdoba, National Academy of Fine Arts.
Amodio, Emanuele (2005) “The divine monster. Heterodox representations of the trinity in the Latin American Baroque” Campos Vera, Norma (Ed.) Mannerism and Transition to the Baroque. Memoria del III Encuentro Internacional Sobre el Barroco. La Paz, Unión Latina.
Arias Cuba, Ybeth Merly (2019) Integration of an Indian devotional system in the Hispanic monarchy. The cult of Santa Rosa de Santa María in the cities of Lima and Mexico, 1668-1737. Thesis for the degree of Doctor in History, Centro de Estudios Históricos, El Colegio de México. Mexico City, Mexico.
Hacienda la escultura cordoba en línea
In a poetic codex composed by Francisco Pacheco, there is a sonnet by fray Hortensio Paravicino addressed to El Greco. Difficult to read, it needs a detailed analysis, comparing it with other sonnets in relation to the painter from Toledo or to the art of painting, particularly portraiture. In a second part of the article, a portrait -a partial copy of the famous portrait preserved in Boston- of Friar Hortensio, unknown until a recent auction in London, is presented and discussed.
In a poetic codex belonging to Francisco Pacheco, appears a Fray Hortensio Paravicino’s sonnet addressed to Greco. Difficult to read, it requires a careful analysis, comparing it to other sonnets in relation to the painter of Toledo or the art of painting, especially portraiture. The second part presents and discusses a portrait of Fray Hortensio -a partial copy of the famous portrait kept at Boston- unknown until a recent auction in London.
2It must be said, or repeated, that the princeps edition of 1641 is not at all reliable. Taking advantage of the papers kept in the cell-library of the famous trinitarian, a relative of his assembled, without order or sense, a collection of his poetic compositions. Not only is the text often defective, but not all of the poems are by Fray Hortensio. On the contrary, it does not contain some poems that we know from manuscript copies, as is the case of the sonnet that interests me today.