Museo tiflologico de la once madrid horario

blind visitor experiences at art museums

The Typhlological Museum (opened in 1992) is a cultural space dedicated to the exhibition of artistic works and typhlological material that are made here perceptible through touch. The aim of this museum is to offer blind people a normalized visit to a museum where they can touch all the exhibits, since it has an exhibition of models that reproduce the most important national and international monuments. The Typhlological Museum of Madrid is fully accessible for blind people, since it has orientation maps in relief, and all the information about the exhibits is in Braille.

museum for the blind

Touching ‘Man and his being’ is the new experience offered by the ONCE Museum for the Blind in the exhibition of sculptures by the organization’s member Rubén González, which can be seen and touched from June 7 to September 14 from Tuesday to Friday, from 10:00 to 15:00 and from 16:00 to 19:00, and on Saturdays, from 10:00 to 14:00.

To the inauguration of ‘The man and his being’, that will take place this Thursday at 18. 30 hours, will be attended by the director of Cultural Promotion, Attention to the Elderly, Youth, Leisure and Sport of the ONCE, Ángel Luis Gómez Blázquez; the general counselor of the ONCE Ana Díaz Alonso, the technician of the Tiflológico Museum Teresa Díaz and the sculptor Rubén González, self-taught artist from Avila, continuator of a family tradition started by his father, Rafael, author among other works of the model of Avila that is currently in the Tiflológico Museum of the ONCE.

He has also collaborated with his sister Elena, doctor in Fine Arts, in works such as the monument of Donantes de Sangre, in Avila, or the image of San Pedro in the parish of San Pedro Bautista, in the same city.

museo de la ciencia madrid

DescripciónInformaciónEl Museo para Ciegos (inaugurado en 1992) es un espacio cultural dedicado a la exposición de obras artísticas y material tiflológico (herramientas, artilugios y ayudas específicas para ciegos y deficientes visuales, maquetas, etc.), que pueden ser percibidas a través del sentido del tacto.

En la actualidad, el Museo cuenta con cuatro salas en las que se exponen: maquetas de monumentos y edificios nacionales e internacionales del Patrimonio de la Humanidad; pinturas, esculturas y arte textil realizadas por artistas ciegos y deficientes visuales; material y documentos sobre la historia de las personas ciegas, exposiciones temporales de numerosos temas relacionados con la ceguera y exposiciones de arte de artistas españoles y extranjeros.

Las personas ciegas también disponen de sistemas de orientación táctil -como la doble textura del pavimento que diferencia la zona de circulación de la exposición- y sonora -como la información del ascensor y las fotocélulas situadas en la entrada principal y en el acceso a cada sala-.

victoria and albert museummuseum in london, england

The National Organization of the Blind was founded by a Decree of December 13, 1938. With its creation, the various associations that had arisen at the beginning of the century, in addition to their union into a single organization, obtained the recognition and protection of the State for the pro-blind coupon, a lottery whose sale financed the new entity and provided employment for many blind people. Today it continues to be the main source of income and jobs, and in this collection you can find:

  Museo lázaro galdiano horario