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La New School for Social Research (NSSR) es una institución educativa que forma parte de The New School en la ciudad de Nueva York, Estados Unidos. La universidad se fundó en 1919 como hogar de pensadores de la era progresista. La NSSR explora y promueve lo que ellos describen como paz global y justicia global. Cuenta con más de 1.000 estudiantes de todas las regiones de Estados Unidos y de más de 70 países.
La New School for Social Research fue fundada en 1919 por, entre otros, Charles Beard, John Dewey, James Harvey Robinson y Thorstein Veblen[1]. En 1933, lo que se conoció como la Universidad en el Exilio, se convirtió en un refugio para los académicos que habían sido despedidos de sus puestos de enseñanza por los fascistas italianos bajo el mando de Benito Mussolini o que habían tenido que huir de Adolf Hitler y el Partido Nacional Socialista Alemán de los Trabajadores. La Universidad en el Exilio fue fundada inicialmente por el director de la New School, Alvin Saunders Johnson, gracias a las aportaciones financieras de Hiram Halle y la Fundación Rockefeller.
La Universidad en el Exilio y sus posteriores encarnaciones han sido el corazón intelectual de la New School. Entre los académicos más destacados asociados a la Universidad en el Exilio se encuentran los psicólogos Erich Fromm, Max Wertheimer y Aron Gurwitsch, los filósofos políticos Hannah Arendt y Leo Strauss, el psicólogo social Everett Dean Martin y el filósofo Hans Jonas.
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a Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile. Telephone: (56) 2 23545376. E-mail: [email protected] b Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile. Telephone: (56) 2 23545315. E-mail: [email protected] * Article financed by the Proyecto Anillos en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades SOC1103 Normalidad, Diferencia y Educación, CONICYT,
This article presents a reflection on the articulation between the political and the epistemological in a research focused on the production of normality and difference in school spaces. Our research assumes that the different is not a natural fact or an isolated construction, but rather a production that takes place according to an imagined normality sustained by institutions, discourses and specific practices that can be traced in order to understand its effects and operations. Normality and difference therefore have an eminently political element, as do the studies that start from such discourses and practices to generate knowledge about the normal and the different. In this article we present a research project that seeks to highlight the production of normality in order to rethink and transform school practices of difference. The research problem is reconstructed in detail and its translation into methodological devices is described, in the light of the dilemmas derived from the relationship between the epistemological and the political in any critical research, as we have faced them in the elaboration of our project.
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Our MissionWe contribute to improving the quality, relevance and efficiency of education by rethinking the way we learn and promoting active, cooperative and personalized learning centered on the learner.More about FENOur Impact
What I would highlight most about this project is that students have become much more autonomous in their work and more critical. The work with the Learning Guides encourages their reading level and collaborative work, each group has its own leader. The teacher is a guide, we no longer give master classes.
Escuela Nueva Volvamos a la Gente is a non-profit organization constituted as a Foundation, domiciled in the city of Bogotá, with legal status granted by the Mayor’s Office of Bogotá, belonging to the Special Tax Regime of Income Tax and Complementary Taxes.