Oposiciones auxiliar de museos

Museum assistant

Resolution of July 6, 2021, of the Undersecretary’s Office, by which a selective process is summoned for admission, by the general system of free access and internal promotion, in the Scale of Assistants of Archives, Libraries and Museums of Autonomous Organizations of the Ministry of Culture.

The open positions in the Archives Section are to be filled in the Ministry of Culture and Sports, Ministry of Defense and Ministry of the Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Democratic Memory.

The open positions in the Libraries Section are to be filled in the Ministry of Culture and Sports, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Science and Innovation, and the Ministry of the Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Democratic Memory.

The open positions in the Museums Section are to be filled in the Ministry of Culture and Sports, Ministry of Defense and Ministry of the Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Democratic Memory.

In the event that any of the applicants with disabilities who have applied for the reserve quota pass the exercises and do not obtain a place in the aforementioned quota, being their score higher than that obtained by other applicants in the general access system, they will be included in order of their score in the general access system.

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Ministry of culture civil service examinations

It will consist of answering in writing a questionnaire of one hundred multiple-choice questions, only one of which is correct, on the first part of the program: Legislation and Administration, Cultural History, and specific to Museums.

Five additional reserve questions will be included to replace and validate questions that could be subject to cancellation. Maximum time: 2 hours. Marking: 0.40 points per correct answer, penalizing incorrect answers with 0.10 points.

10.  Gender equality policies. The Organic Law 3/2007, of March 22, for the effective equality of women and men. Policies against Gender Violence. Organic Law 1/2004, of December 28th, on Integral Protection Measures against Gender Violence. Social policies aimed at the care of people with disabilities and / or dependents.

It will consist of answering in writing a multiple-choice questionnaire proposed by the Court, consisting of sixty questions, plus five additional reserve questions that will be assessed in the event that any of the previous ones are annulled, according to the following distribution: The first ten questions will deal with the general subject matter of the program.

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Cultural assets

Centro Innova is one of the best study centers to train future civil servants. We have the best prepared teachers and we propose the most advanced methodologies for the successful preparation of competitive examinations.

The most important functions included in the Auxiliary Corps of State Museums are: Registration, inventory, documentation, conservation, management and dissemination of cultural property and museums or similar institutions.

Free entrance. It will consist of answering in writing a questionnaire composed of one hundred multiple-choice questions with four answers (only one of them being correct), which will deal with the first part of the program. Only one answer may be marked for each question.

It will consist, both for candidates for free admission and for candidates for internal promotion, in the resolution of three practical assumptions on the subjects of the second part of the program, in order to appreciate the capacity of the candidates to carry out the tasks related to the content of the same.

2021 museum curator civil service examinations

Subsidies from November 20 to December 3, both inclusive.  Due to a technical incident, the deadline is extended until December 9, 2020 inclusive and from December 21, 2020 to January 5, 2021 inclusive.

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“Qualifying Tribunal of the selective process for admission to the Corps of Auxiliary Technicians of Special Administration, Scale of Auxiliaries of Archives, Libraries and Museums, Group C, Subgroup C1, of the Community of Madrid.

IMPORTANT: In order to speed up the resolution of the queries sent to this mailbox, it is necessary to indicate in the mail the personal data and those of the call for the selective tests to which the query refers.