El caballero de olmedo teatro de la comedia
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Later, Inés responds to Alonso’s letter, and Fabia takes it to her. Upon arrival, Alonso tells Tello to read it first, for fear of possible bad news. Tello reads it and returns it to her. It says that Alonso must go to Inés’s house to pick up a green ribbon of slippers, a ribbon that Inés will leave on the garden fence so that Alonso can put it on and recognize it.
When night falls, Alonso goes with Tello to get the ribbon, and they meet Rodrigo and Fernando, who were walking around Inés’ house and had found it. As they did not know whose it was, they had decided to cut it in half but, hearing the voices of Alonso and Tello, they leave. The next day, Inés sees Rodrigo with the ribbon and thinks that Fabia has set her up to fall in love with her fiancé. She arrives, explains to him what has happened, and confesses that her true lover is Don Alonso, “the knight of Olmedo”.
Before leaving for Olmedo, Don Alonso passes by Inés’ house to say goodbye to her. After doing so, Alonso sets off for Olmedo. Halfway to Olmedo, he sees a shadow and is frightened, but does not give it any more importance, so he continues on his way. When he was close to his house, he feels threatened by a song that predicts the death of ‘The Knight of Olmedo’, he prepares for combat and decides to find out who is singing, but finds that it is only a farmer. A few moments after saying goodbye, he sees some knights approaching, whom he distinguishes almost immediately: they are Rodrigo, Fernando and his servant Mendo. Alonso, seeing that it is them, is unconcerned, thinking that they will not do anything to him. Against all odds, Mendo kills him and the three flee to Medina.
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“Verdad es que se dilatael morir,pues con mirarvuelve a dar vida la ingrata,y así se cansa en matar,pues da vida a cuantos mata;pero muriendo o viviendo,no me pienso arrepentirde estarla amando y sirviendo;que no hay bien como vivirpor ella muriendo.”
“Verdad es que se dilatael morir,pues con mirarvuelve a dar vida la ingrata,y así se cansa en matar,pues da vida a cuantos mata;pero muriendo o viviendo,no me pienso arrepentirde estarla amando y sirviendo;que no hay bien como vivirpor ella muriendo.”
Esta es la segunda obra de Lope de Vega que leo, y me resultó algo más fácil que la primera. Es decir, que me resultó extremadamente difícil. El español de Lope de Vega está cargado de palabras obsoletas y gramática olvidada. Además, toda la obra está en verso, alternando redondillas, romances, tercetos y otras formas estróficas que no entiendo. A esto se suma el modo típicamente poético de Lope de Vega, con metáforas y alusiones que abarrotan cada página. Hace poco vi t