Pinocho el musical teatro calderón
theater for children madrid
5 SCENOGRAPHY The scenography is composed of two screens: A front screen (tulle) where the virtual characters and other images with which the dancers will interact on stage are projected. A second screen at the back of the stage will project the different places where the story takes place, projections that will create the dynamic scenery with a video game aesthetic. Between the two screens, the two dancers Pinocchio and Gepetto will interact with the characters projected on the tulle and the backdrop scenery. 5
maríaconfussion presents Dossier A Room of One’s Own. Homage to Virginia Woolf maríaconfussion presents A Room of One’s Own, homage to Virginia Wolf This show is the simple tribute that maríaconfussion
ESCENA DIGITAL Linares, Georgina González, Teresa Valls, Anna Centro de Documentación y Museu de les Artes Escénicas del Instituto del Teatre de Barcelona [email protected] Escena Digital es
little red riding hood the musical
Built on the site occupied by the disappeared convent of the Trinitarians, it was designed by architect Eduardo Sánchez Eznarriaga. Inspired by the best tradition of Italian theatrical architecture, the painting that decorates the vault of the enclosure was the work of the Leonese artist Demetrio Monteserín and the exquisite stained glass windows that give light to the lobby are the work of Casa Maumejean.
Since August 2015, SOM Produce has been in charge of the management and programming of the completely renovated Teatro Calderón. The first show to be performed in the new era was STOMP, followed by The Grand Illusion by THE MAGICIAN POP, Europe’s highest-grossing illusionist. It then hosted a new blockbuster production of the classic musical West Side Story. In the 2021 -2022 season, “A Chorus Line”, the classic musical that triumphed on Broadway, will be performed.
The Calderón Theater has a large stage and a seating capacity of more than 1,000 seats, a rehearsal room and its own cafeteria. It has all the necessary access facilities so that anyone can enjoy our space, such as direct access ramps.
musicales niños madrid
Pinocho no es sólo un cuento infantil. Es una historia sobre el crecimiento, pero también es una historia fantástica, elementos todos ellos que se encuentran en la nueva versión “para títeres” que pone en escena la compañía Carlo Colla & Figli. Una vez más asombrando al público de todas las edades.
Para la tradicional cita navideña, la Compañía Carlo Colla & Figli presenta una nueva obra: Pinocho, basada en Las aventuras de Pinocho de Carlo Collodi, una obra maestra de la literatura infantil, una novela sobre el crecimiento y un cuento de hadas.
La versión “para marionetas”, fruto de una idea de Eugenio Monti Colla, cuenta con un guión inédito y una música originalmente compuesta, así como con marionetas, decorados, trajes y equipos nacidos de los propios talleres artesanales de la Compañía. En total habrá 150 personajes en escena.
“Las marionetas de la Compañía Carlo Colla & Figli – se lee en una nota del director – que ya han aparecido en la adaptación televisiva dirigida por Luigi Comencini, interpretan ahora Las aventuras de Pinocho, respetando justamente la novela pero también con un cierto aspecto crítico, la capacidad de crear ilusiones y un mundo de encanto que volverá a asombrar al público de todas las edades”. Los actores de madera, de diferentes formas y tamaños, sus gestos y la fuerza evocadora que llevan, ayudados por las voces históricas que desde hace años dan voz a estos pequeños personajes y la música que a menudo ambienta, tratarán de conducir al público a una especie de balada popular amable pero que tiene, a veces, un toque amargo, poniendo de manifiesto los aspectos poéticos de la novela y creando una historia que mezcla fantasía y sabiduría tradicional”.
Pinocho el musical teatro calderón 2021
Built on the site occupied by the disappeared convent of the Trinitarians, it was designed by architect Eduardo Sánchez Eznarriaga. Inspired in the best tradition of Italian theatrical architecture, the painting that decorates the vault of the building was the work of the Leonese artist Demetrio Monteserín and the exquisite stained glass windows that give light to the lobby are the work of Casa Maumejean.
Since August 2015, SOM Produce has been in charge of the management and programming of the completely renovated Teatro Calderón. The first show to be performed in the new era was STOMP, followed by The Grand Illusion by THE MAGICIAN POP, Europe’s highest-grossing illusionist. It then hosted a new blockbuster production of the classic musical West Side Story. In the 2021 -2022 season, “A Chorus Line”, the classic musical that triumphed on Broadway, will be performed.
The Calderón Theater has a large stage and a seating capacity of more than 1,000, a rehearsal room and its own cafeteria. It has all the necessary access facilities so that anyone can enjoy our space, such as direct access ramps.