Clínica diagonal esplugues de llobregat

Clínica diagonal esplugues de llobregat

Diagonal barcelona

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Fiatc seguros en español

La idea principal radica en crear un diálogo entre el nuevo edificio y el entorno, condicionando el proyecto por la relación de los diferentes elementos importantes y resolviendo el programa médico concreto. La nueva Clínica Diagonal cuenta con 80 habitaciones, 7 suites, 16 consultas médicas, 6 quirófanos, 6 boxes de urgencias y todos los servicios que necesita un hospital.

Las características solares, acentuadas por la proximidad a la Ronda de Dalt, condicionaron el edificio, que presenta una fachada continua abierta a Barcelona y remarca el trazado de una de las principales arterias de la ciudad.

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Proponemos un edificio monolítico claramente horizontal, materializado en hormigón prefabricado blanco apoyado sobre un podio de hormigón de tinta, que permite que la actividad se aleje del tráfico pesado, haciéndose patente con un gran ruido, y exalte las zonas comunes de la clínica.

Como una continuación del mismo terreno, el particular “estilóbato”, sólo perforado en la zona del café y en el acceso, contiene los usos más privados de la clínica, quirófanos, área de urgencias, oncología, neonatología, … así como la planta técnica del edificio.

Medifiatc diagonal

The document, directed by Ramon Sanabria and Ramon Canal, commissioners in charge of the urban and medical aspects, respectively, discards seven other pre-selected locations for various reasons (see box), mainly because they do not have the necessary surface area or because their planning prevents this use.

-Current site on Villarroel Street. It is already overbuilt. Future action would not make it possible to gain space. -Former fire station in Provença. The site is insufficient space and difficult to connect with the Villarroel building. -Industrial School. Complex with heritage value and housing numerous services that would have to be moved. -Former Modelo prison. It already has a defined and ongoing project, the result of an agreement between the City Council and the neighbors. -Maternitat enclosure in Les Corts. Insufficient space and impossibility of relocating the green area. -Plaza Espanya-Fira. The City Council already has a proposal for other uses for this area. -Diagonal-Bruc barracks. Sufficient dimensions, but it is planned to continue as a military facility.

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Comfort, providing a friendly, close and personalized treatment by all the staff of the center, as well as that the rooms and other rooms of the center are equipped so that the patient feels at home during their stay; Medical safety, complying with the highest standards of medical safety established by the European Union and making use of the most advanced technologies in diagnosis and treatment of various pathologies; and Extensive experience as a private hospital center.  The Clínica Diagonal fulfills these requirements to perfection in addition to being one of the most important private hospitals in Barcelona.

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Clínica Diagonal is called by its employees “the family clinic”, thanks to the exquisite treatment that each patient receives, carrying out a personalized and close attention that allows patients and their families to feel at home. In addition to this, Clínica Diagonal has facilities with a high degree of comfort, both in the rooms and in the rest of the center, making the hospital stay as comfortable and relaxed as possible.