Teatro goya barcelona programacion
Teatre barcelona
Situado en el oeste del centro de la ciudad, justo al lado de la Ronda de Sant Antoni, cerca del Museo de Arte Contemporáneo y de la Universidad. El Teatre Goya se inauguró el 15 de septiembre de 1916 con el drama cómico “La dicha ajena & Herida de muerte” de d’Antonio Torner y Fernando Villalonga. Tenía un aforo de 1.010 personas en orquesta y dos balcones, que se extendían hasta el proscenio. En junio de 1918 proyectaba películas documentales de la guerra.
Cerró el 31 de agosto de 1986 con “Tiburón” y “El sueño americano”. A partir del 21 de octubre de 1986 volvió a utilizarse como teatro en vivo, de nuevo rebautizado como Teatre Goya y con un aforo reducido de 716 localidades. Cerrado en algún momento después de 1995, cuando se vio en abril de 2008 el edificio estaba en proceso de renovación/restauración, para reabrir como teatro. Desgraciadamente, el interior original ha sido desmontado, pero no se sabe cómo será el nuevo interior.
Sería interesante saber si el nombre Goya es un homenaje a Francesco Goya, el famoso pintor y grabador español. Se le conoce sobre todo por sus cuadros “La matanza de los inocentes” y el pesadillesco “Saturno devorando a sus hijos”, un cuadro que vi por primera vez en un libro de arte cuando tenía unos 7 años. Me asustó tanto que memoricé lo que había en las páginas inmediatamente anteriores y posteriores, para no volver accidentalmente a la imagen. También son famosas las series de grabados de Goya, “Los Caprichos”. Algunos son tan, o casi, inquietantes como “Saturno”. Se agradecería cualquier información sobre si el teatro/cine lleva el nombre de este artista.
Teatre goya events
Located on the main façade of the headquarters of the Centro Aragonés de Barcelona, is the Teatre Goya. It is a renovated hall in which many performances and cultural events are held, and which stands out mainly for its great historical interest, since some of the most iconic plays of the last century, such as Dama Isaura by Joan Puig i Ferreter, La cabeza de Bautista, by Ramón María de Valle-Inclán, and Mariana Pineda by Federico García Lorca, have passed through its stage.
The Goya Theater has become one of the most respected in the Catalan capital, and the theater is always committed to innovation, and takes the performing arts a step further, bringing culture closer to every sector of the population. Come to the Goya and enjoy its unbeatable program!
Teatro coliseumtheatre in barcelona, spain
Aurora and Emma are a mother and daughter who are very close, but have very different views on life. Aurora, who is a widow, is a good mother, but she wants to decide about her daughter’s life. Emma is a rebellious young woman who wants to become independent; but she wants to do it by following the most conventional way: by marrying a boy her mother does not like. Aurora, on the other hand, is having an affair with a retired astronaut. Despite their differences, mother and daughter try to find a way to support each other and find happiness.
Much has happened since then and the changes have not been few. However, it is always a pleasure for Lolita to visit her homeland on her father’s side and she demonstrates this by arriving at the R2P hall and greeting the journalists present with a perfect Catalan accent.
A tragicomedy based on the film of the same title and set in the 80’s, where two brave women clash generationally, there is a remarkable evolution of people as the play progresses.
The villarroel
Aurora and Emma are a mother and daughter who are very close, but have very different views on life. Aurora, who is a widow, is a good mother, but wants to decide about her daughter’s life. Emma is a rebellious young woman who wants to become independent; but she wants to do it by following the most conventional way: by marrying a boy her mother does not like. Aurora, on the other hand, is having an affair with a retired astronaut. Despite their differences, mother and daughter try to find a way to support each other and find happiness.
Much has happened since then and the changes have not been few. However, it is always a pleasure for Lolita to visit her homeland on her father’s side and she proves it by arriving at the R2P hall and greeting the journalists present with a perfect Catalan accent.
A tragicomedy based on the film of the same title and set in the 80’s, where two brave women clash generationally, there is a remarkable evolution of people as the play progresses.