Teatro soho malaga antonio banderas

Teatro soho malaga antonio banderas

Cabaret garage

It depends on the week. Normally, from Wednesday to Friday there will be a session at 7.30 p.m.; on Saturdays, two sessions, one at 5.30 p.m. and the other at 9.30 p.m. and on Sundays there will be one at 6 p.m. As an exception, on December 25 there will also be a screening at 8:00 pm.

Similarly, during the December long weekend you can enjoy the musical throughout the week except for the Day of the Immaculate Conception, on December 8. Another Tuesday on which there will be a pass is December 21.

Tickets to see the musical ‘Company’ you can get them at the theater box office or on the official website of the Soho Theatre CaixaBank; you have direct access by clicking here. The price varies depending on where your seat is located and the day of the week you decide to go.

If you can not afford these prices you can wait for new dates to open and be quick to buy the 25 seats, taking into account that these are in the highest area of the theater and, therefore, much less visible.

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El Teatro del Soho Caixabank de Málaga abre el telón el 15 de noviembre con el musical internacional ‘A Chorus Line’, el proyecto más personal de Antonio Banderas. ¿Cuáles son los retos que se ha marcado? ¿Qué tipo de espectáculos ofrecerá el renovado teatro? ¿Qué significa para él? El artista nos lo cuenta con sus propias palabras.

En los más de 30 años que lleva cautivando al público, ya sea en el teatro o frente al televisor disfrutando de sus películas (tanto como actor como director), no ha olvidado de dónde viene. Tampoco los premios y nominaciones que ha recibido en las alfombras rojas más emblemáticas del mundo le han hecho tambalearse. Está claro que Antonio Banderas (Málaga, 1960) es uno de los artistas españoles más internacionales y ahora, obligado por su compromiso con su tierra, se sumerge en su proyecto más personal, el Teatro del Soho Caixabank.

Además de invertir dinero, mucho tiempo y mucha ilusión, Banderas se ha remangado desde el primer día para intentar convertir este nuevo espacio cultural en un referente para los amantes del teatro. Con este objetivo, ha conseguido traer Broadway a Málaga con el conocido musical A Chorus Line, y no sólo eso, sino que él mismo lo codirige e interpreta. Además, se ha rodeado de otros destacados profesionales como Lluís Pasqual, que dirigirá el Teatro del Soho Caixabank, y Baayork Lee, con quien dirigirá el propio musical en el escenario de este teatro malagueño.

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Antonio banderas theater malaga

performances on Saturdays at 9.30 p.m. and Sundays at 6.00 p.m. until December 30, 2021 for the musical ‘Company’ which opens on November 17. The discount will be given for a maximum of 2 tickets per person and will always be subject to availability. Tickets can be purchased at the box office upon presentation of a card belonging to the Official College of Physicians, College of Nursing or certificate of employment of the health center.

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“Everything is turning out to be complicated, after Harrison Ford’s injury, everything was measured so that things didn’t happen like that”, said Banderas, detailing that in a week and a half he has to leave for the shooting, so he will leave the rehearsals but with “the work done”. In addition, he explained that he is also working on giving voice, from Malaga, to ‘Puss in Boots 2’ on Saturday afternoons: “It forces me vocally a lot, it hurts my throat,” he explained.

“It has been very complicated, but we are going to get it out,” said Banderas, who has confirmed that the idea is to be until the end with ‘Company’ — March 2022 — at the Soho Theater in Malaga, in addition to joining ‘A Chorus line’ in London — approximately a little more than a month — and also in the “promised” at the Public Theatre, ensuring, however, that he can not commit to the six months of this musical on Broadway.

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In the same way, Banderas has insisted that always in the project of the Soho Theater has been “to propose four, five, maybe six musicals that are a reference of the musical world, concretely, the North American one”.